Thursday, March 5, 2009

What would I do to change the world.

I would first start thinking positively at everything that had happened to me. The world today, as i believe is in a sad state whereby all of its inhabitants are all always looking at only the bad side of every thing. For an example, the youths today would complain at almost every minute thing but in fact, they should just look at the positive side whereby they are lucky to have what they have unlike some who are under privilege.

Besides, I would learn how to set my mind straight and have a belief of my own. It is due to man's indecisiveness that leads to the unbalanced state of our world today. People tend to follow one another and somehow they just can't make a stand. If we were to have a stern stand at what we believed, I know that we won't be easily swayed by rumors and words that may tear down the unity of the world.

Other than that, if I had power to change the world, I would order that all weapons of mass destruction be destroyed. Those weapons do no good to the people who own them as well as to those who do not own them. Then, I would order all big forces to leave poor countries and let them rule their own countries. The bigger nations are not allowed to interfere in smaller countries’ administration and whatnot unless requested.

So, in conclusion, I believe that just by changing the way people think, the world would be at a much better state. Everything starts with the mind. To change the world, we have to change the way we're thinking or else, we will going to stay like this forever.

What would i do to change the world.